21 questions in this category
How can whizpa.com help my business?
How much does it cost to list my business on Whizpa.com?
How do I list my business on Whizpa.com?
Why is my business listed as on Whizpa.com even though I did not ask to be listed?
How do I claim my listing?
What can I include in my listing page on Whizpa.com?
If I want to add photos to my listing, what format should they be in?
How many photos can I upload on my listing page?
How do I change/update my listing?
Can I decide which reviews to show on my listing page?
What can I do about negative reviews?
Will every single review be published on Whizpa.com?
Can I contact/communicate with reviewers?
How can I boost my company’s visibility on Whizpa.com search results?
If I have more than one branch/centre, how would you list my company on Whizpa.com?
Will I be able to get a copy of the reviews that are written about my centre?
If I want to advertise on Whizpa.com, what do I need to do?
How do I forward my listing page to my customers?
Do my customers need to sign up before they can use Whizpa.com?
I am a Private/Freelance Tutor. How can I get listed on Whizpa ?
What if I do not find a particular Provider listed ?