Let Your Child Love English! Innovative English Courses and Activities

The importance of the English language cannot be ignored, because English is a critical channel that can help children connect with the rest of the world effectively in the future. When someone mentions English classes, many parents will immediately picture children sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher teaching them grammar and vocabulary. Traditional methods of teaching in the classroom can potentially turn off quite a few vivacious children. Due to the increasing demand for English classes amongst Hong Kong parents - especially demand for classes that can truly stimulate a student’s interest - there are now a number of unique and innovative English classes designed to nurture kids’ interest in English. Whizpa has identified a few new and innovative English classes from the Whizpa database so that parents can help their kids be relaxed about learning English - perhaps they will fall in love with English!


English Story Reading Classes

 (Source: https://whizpa.com/listings/story-clan-education-centre#gallery-4)

Parents have always been focused on the importance of reading. Reading not only exposes children to a wide range of vocabulary and different ways to use those words, but even more valuable is the fact that reading can teach kids life lessons through the experiences of book characters. If one chooses an appropriate storybook with an engaging plot, readers will be reluctant to put down the book. Learning English through reading storybooks is both rich and interesting, and can introduce a large number of vocabulary words, grammar, and methods of expression to students in a short period of time. Storybooks can also improve kids’ comprehension skills, and turn learning English into a form of entertainment. Continually reading is a recipe for improving language proficiency. By encouraging children to develop a reading habit from a young age, parents are allowing their children to continue improving their English language skills in a carefree manner.

To learn more about English Story Reading Classes, please see: https://whizpa.com/search-results?search=english+story&field_region=


English Creative Writing Classes

 (Source: https://whizpa.com/listings/elephant-community-press#gallery-5)

Reading storybooks is of course helpful for learning English, but if a child can also write their own stories, they can reach an even higher level. English creative writing classes can train kids to write exciting pieces. Being able to write in a way that moves people requires kids to be able to appropriately use vocabulary and grammar that they have learned previously. Furthermore, because kids are highly imaginative, words are a really good medium through which they can express their creativity. Writing stories is a very good extracurricular activity that lets children express their creativity and practice using English at the same time. Writing workshops offer children many fresh new subjects - for example, there are classes that guide kids on how to write science fiction, or workshops that focus on different festivals as subjects to write about. Some students in English writing classes can even complete an entire story and print it into a book. When they see their own stories published as books, kids are sure to feel a great sense of accomplishment.

To find out about English Creative Writing Classes, please visit: https://whizpa.com/search-results?search=story%20writing&page=


English Debate Classes

 (Source: https://whizpa.com/listings/causeway-education#gallery-6)

In a previous article, the Whizpa team introduced how debating classes can be a novel and beneficial extracurricular activity for kids, and discussed how debating can train children to become more eloquent. In addition to developing logical thinking skills, debating gives kids the opportunity to increase their language proficiency - especially in terms of writing and speaking formally on serious topics. Therefore, debating classes are a good alternative to mainstream English classes. Also, the tight time frame in a debate requires kids to form arguments in English to counter their opponent’s point of view and persuade judges and audiences in a short amount of time. This creates an exciting English learning experience that lets children enjoy the process of arguing on the basis of reason.

To find out more about English Debating Classes, please go to: https://whizpa.com/search-results?search=debate


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