PowerBrain_Rx's Review for

PowerBrain Rx (Wong Chuk Hang training centre)


5 of 5 stars
Curriculum content and delivery
Variety of classes/activities/schedules offered
Professionalism of staff and teachers
Teacher to student ratio
Hygiene standards
Value of money
Ease of enrolment and payment
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以前,當我到學校見Justin的老師時,他們第一句就會說他不夠專注、上課不留心。作爲家長的我當然會擔心他趕不上其他同學,但PowerBrain的訓練改變了一切。 經過僅僅幾堂的訓練,我已經看到改變。他可以一次過做完功課,不會中途到處游魂。而經過一整年訓練後的今天,再見學校的老師時,我再也聽不見老師批評他的專注。- Parents of Justin

Services Used

0 of 9
Classrooms/learning areas and facilities
Learning equipment, materials and technology
Amenities (bathrooms, stroller parking, baby changing room, nursing rooms, waiting area etc)
Trial classes
Booking and payment system
Parent-child programs
Parent-teacher discussions/workshops
Security system and personnel
First aid & fire safety equipment
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