Michelle's Review for

Bring Me A Book Hong Kong


5 of 5 stars
Variety of volunteer work for children
Accreditation of volunteer work by schools
Flexibility of volunteer work schedules
Availability of adult supervision or mentoring
Transparency of charity work to public
Convenience of volunteer site locations
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Bring Me a Book Hong Kong - Volunteering as a Student
Bring Me a Book Hong Kong is really fun to volunteer with. We ran a games booth as part of their math carnival. With the help of Bring Me a Book we were able to come up with our own ideas on a games booth and run it as a fundraiser as part of their David Schwartz event. It was really exciting and fun to see how we could play a big role even at our age (10 and 8 years old). We also love the books that Bring Me a Book sends us on our birthdays as part of our membership. They are always really nice books and new to us. We love the books they help us to discover. Elliot (10 y/o) and Amber (8 y/o)

Services Used

0 of 9
Student volunteer activities
Training for volunteers
Support services for volunteers/transportation
Student-led charity/community service projects
Fund raising events
International volunteer programs
Child and parent volunteer programs
Onsite supervision of volunteer work
Charity promotional programs
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