Boheme_Art's Review for

Boheme Art


5 of 5 stars
Curriculum content and delivery
Variety of classes/activities/schedules offered
Professionalism of staff and teachers
Teacher to student ratio
Hygiene standards
Value of money
Ease of enrolment and payment
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女兒在畫畫上很有成功感 ─ 周臻穎家長
我的女兒自三歲左右就很喜歡畫畫,她愛將所看見過的人或景色、所想像到的都透過紙和筆繪出來;漸漸地也愛上填顏色,一幅一幅充滿稚氣的畫就貼滿了我們的家。 直到2002年的暑假,朋友介紹女兒到「波希」學習畫畫,多學一些畫功。想不到還未到兩個月的學習,她的畫已多了層次感,她懂得解釋:遠就小,近就大;有人就有陰影...等概念。 我們常說她的作品是有無窮的創意,現再加上袁先生技巧上的指導,她更有成功感去享受她的畫畫。

Services Used

2 of 9
Classrooms/learning areas and facilities
Learning equipment, materials and technology
Amenities (bathrooms, stroller parking, baby changing room, nursing rooms, waiting area etc)
Trial classes
Booking and payment system
Parent-child programs
Parent-teacher discussions/workshops
Security system and personnel
First aid & fire safety equipment
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