Boheme_Art's Review for

Boheme Art


5 of 5 stars
Curriculum content and delivery
Variety of classes/activities/schedules offered
Professionalism of staff and teachers
Teacher to student ratio
Hygiene standards
Value of money
Ease of enrolment and payment
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女兒畫畫畫得很開心 - 楊天慧(潘詠如家長)
由於我的女兒詠如自小就很喜歡畫畫,所以由四歲開始,每個星期我都會安排她到不同機構學習畫畫。在剛過去的暑假,在朋友的介紹下,我替詠如報讀了「波希」袁老師的兒童畫班。 跟其他畫班不同,他歡迎家長一起上課,因此我發現袁老師有獨特而有效的教法--他會教小朋友如何一筆一筆的繪畫出內容豐富的圖畫,並告訴小朋友會產生的效果(根據詠如講述,以往的老師會一口氣地把圖畫畫在白板上,然後小月友照著畫)。即使小朋友未可以即時吸收,但在旁的家長瞭解後,那麼對日後提點小朋友有莫大的幫助。此外,袁老師非常幽默,使小朋友能在一個輕鬆,愉快的環境下學習繪畫,另一方面也可以舒緩功課壓力。 以上是我在家長角度的意見,其實我每次問詠如是否繼續跟袁老師學習畫畫,她的答案總是「YES」。多謝你,袁老師!

Services Used

1 of 9
Classrooms/learning areas and facilities
Learning equipment, materials and technology
Amenities (bathrooms, stroller parking, baby changing room, nursing rooms, waiting area etc)
Trial classes
Booking and payment system
Parent-child programs
Parent-teacher discussions/workshops
Security system and personnel
First aid & fire safety equipment
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