Back to School Activities

[BACK TO SCHOOL] Summer classes are coming to an end, which means the kids are heading back to school soon! Are you looking for some fantastic activities for your child in the new school year? We have curated some of the best after-school classes on Whizpa Eshop including art + crafts, drawing, music, science, coding, fencing, STEM, English, Mandarin and many more!!

Best of all, Whizpa is giving away a set of beautiful and delicious [Cream & Sprinkle] #creamandsprinkle edible chocolate art kit worth $185 for the first 5 customers if they purchase HKD800 or more of BACK TO SCHOOL activities TODAY!

Use “BTS10” and get 10% discount on your purchase TODAY! For a limited time only till 30 Sept 2022 so sign up NOW!!

[BACK TO SCHOOL] 暑期活動即將完結,同時意味著小朋友又要回歸校園啦!是不是正在為小朋友尋找新一學年的課外活動?Whizpa策劃了很多好玩的課外活動給小朋友, 包括藝術、繪畫、音樂、科學、編碼、擊劍、STEM、英語和普通話等等。

最重要的是, Whizpa送一盒價值185元精美美味的 [Cream & Sprinkle]朱古力禮盒套裝, #creamandsprinkle 給首5位在9月落單的顧客!

使用優惠碼“BTS10””, 即能獲得9折惠優!優惠至 2022年9月30日, 即立報讀!

#whizpa #summer2022 #stem #英語 #普通話 #寫作 #藝術 #課程 #whizpaeshop #playgroups #教育學習中心 #learning #childrensport #summercamps #funsummer #camp

#BackToSchool #幼兒教育 #幼兒學習 #幼稚園 #小學 #國際學校 #港媽 #港爸 #香港爸媽 #親子 #親子活動 #課外活動


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