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Gordon Parenting
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We are a skills training and relationship-based course influencing families to have democratic, collaborative relationships with eachother. We offer; proven, practical, logical communication skills and problem solving steps which are applicable to any status of the parent and child. The core skills taught are Active Listening, I-Messages, Shifting Gears and No-Lose Conflict Resolution or Method III. The Behavior Window is the key to knowing which of these skills to use and for which specific situation.
In these whorshops you will learn how to :
- Listen to your children so that they feel genuinely understood and accepted.
- Talk to your children honestly and non-blamefully when their behavior causes you a problem.
- Resolve conflicts and problems in your family so that no one loses and problems stay solved.
- Deal with value collisions.
- Troubleshoot family problems and know which skills to use to solve them.
The P.E.T. course is a 24-hour programe. It is made up of 8 sessions lasting 3 hours each. It is delivered in English and Cantonese.
P.E.T. is designed to involve you in an active way drawing on your own life experiences, circumstances, problems and perspectives. Activities include role-plays, group discussion, group sharing, and reflection as well as instructor presentations.
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- Family & Health

Parenting During the Time of Covid-19
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How to get rid of your child’s unmindful habits?
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- Family & Health