PowerBrain Rx (Fotan training centre)
我們特別感謝Mr. Christian,他讓Jayden在Powerbrain Rx. 的訓練變得更加有趣。
我們很高興在Jayden四歲的時候找到Powerbrain Rx,同時我們覺得,在他這個年紀,這種訓練的確可以幫到他。我們真心地感謝Ms Chan,她不但為我們找出Jayden的問題所在,更從各方面對他循循善誘,作出指導。這段期間,Jayden的專注力和集中能力有了明顯的進步,他還在學校裏拿到了班級的最佳進步獎。與此同時,他的學習態度和承受挑戰的能力也成熟了很多。- Parents of Jayden (5 years old)
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Classrooms/learning areas and facilities
Learning equipment, materials and technology
Amenities (bathrooms, stroller parking, baby changing room, nursing rooms, waiting area etc)
Trial classes
Booking and payment system
Parent-child programs
Parent-teacher discussions/workshops
Security system and personnel
First aid & fire safety equipment
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