
ARCH Community Outreach


5 of 5 stars
Variety of volunteer work for children
Accreditation of volunteer work by schools
Flexibility of volunteer work schedules
Availability of adult supervision or mentoring
Transparency of charity work to public
Convenience of volunteer site locations
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SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School - Anthony Chui
“活動不僅讓參加者到各工作環境親身體驗,更能讓我們從一群事業有成的人士中學習他們成功的秘訣。其中令我最印象深刻的環節是到養和醫院參觀。是次活動能讓我們在大學聯招中選擇自己心儀的學系前,對各行業有進一步的認識。" (Review on Careers Program)


0 of 9
Student volunteer activities
Training for volunteers
Support services for volunteers/transportation
Student-led charity/community service projects
Fund raising events
International volunteer programs
Child and parent volunteer programs
Onsite supervision of volunteer work
Charity promotional programs
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