
Kickstart Education


4 of 5 stars
Curriculum content and delivery
Variety of classes/activities/schedules offered
Professionalism of staff and teachers
Teacher to student ratio
Hygiene standards
Value of money
Ease of enrolment and payment
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Fantastic learning experience
My 4-year old son loves robot, and every week he cannot wait to get to the class. The learning format is fun, and the English native teacher is nice to the kids. After he had learnt how to build and program robots and robotic systems, I can see the pure joy on his face. At the same time, he learnt lots of vocabularies during the lesson.


5 of 9
Classrooms/learning areas and facilities
Learning equipment, materials and technology
Amenities (bathrooms, stroller parking, baby changing room, nursing rooms, waiting area etc)
Trial classes
Booking and payment system
Parent-child programs
Parent-teacher discussions/workshops
Security system and personnel
First aid & fire safety equipment
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Highly recommend this learning center to all the parents!!