Kids4Kids網上講座系列︰The Idea Life Cycle (8月25日)


第一場為「The Idea Life Cycle」將於8月25日舉行,由兩位成功的社會企業家Cesar Jung-Harada和Bailey Cherry主持,談及他們的創新思維方式,如何將他們的想法變為現實並對社區產生影響。

The Idea Life Cycle
日期︰2020年8月25日 (星期二)



Cesar Jung-Harada, Director of MakerBay

  • Cesar is a French-Japanese inventor, educator and entrepreneur, Director of MakerBay, Hong Kong for Social & Environment Impact. He worked at MIT (USA) as Project Leader and is a Senior TED Fellow.

Bailey Cherry, Founder of Rebooked Kids4Kids "Action for a Cause" Project

  • Bailey is a 15-year old student in Hong Kong. She is the founder of a non-profit enterprise, "reBooked" which provides a platform for reusing pre-loved children books.