coachlee's Review for

Coach Lee


5 of 5 stars
Quality of healthcare services
Professionalism of staff, nurses and doctors
Waiting time and ease of appointment booking
Quality of facilities (consultation room, operating theater, bathrooms, pharmacy etc)
Hygiene standards
Value of money
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這個課程讓我深深體會到改變女兒,其實是先改變自己。 - Queenie Tang
我是一個常說女兒不是的媽媽, 我沒有耐性,脾氣也不好,當我看到女兒的不良行為,我就會立即阻止和止。我與女兒的關係不太親密,女兒也沒有自信心。在讀畢親子課程後,我的心態作了一個180度的轉轉變,我會常常反省自己, 脾氣和耐性也變好了,因為我懂得從孩子的角度出發和了解孩子行為背後的動機。現在我懂得接納和欣賞女兒, 從她的缺點中找出優點,和女兒童關係變得更親密,整個家庭的氣氛也融洽了很多。這個課程讓我深深體會到改變女兒,其實是先改變自己。

Services Used

0 of 9
Reception/front desk
Nurses station or triage
Appointment/walk-in booking system
Amenities (waiting area, bathrooms, childcare facilities, baby changing room etc)
Surgery or operating theater
Medical Equipment
Emergency and hotline services
Cafeteria, availability of food and beverages
Pharmacy and dispensary
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