coachlee's Review for

Coach Lee


5 of 5 stars
Quality of healthcare services
Professionalism of staff, nurses and doctors
Waiting time and ease of appointment booking
Quality of facilities (consultation room, operating theater, bathrooms, pharmacy etc)
Hygiene standards
Value of money
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我發覺原來做家長可以好容易,好輕鬆,而同時我兒子會變得更有自信和責任感。 - Irene
我大約一年前認識Coach Lee,當時是想為我兒子將踏入青春期的改變作出準備。經過這年的學習和 Coach Lee 的coaching下,我不單學習到怎樣面對孩子的青春期,最重要是從不覺得自己是怪獸家長的我,其實自己心內都其實都有隻怪獸,它便是我的盲點和毛病 -我缺乏耐性、心急、對孩子過度保護,令孩子覺得不被信任。學習parent coaching令我看到真實的自己,體會到焦點不是要在改變孩子的行為,而是要自我反省。現在的我能放慢,放手,多從孩子角度看事情。我發覺原來做家長可以好容易,好輕鬆,而同時我兒子會變得更有自信和責任感。

Services Used

0 of 9
Reception/front desk
Nurses station or triage
Appointment/walk-in booking system
Amenities (waiting area, bathrooms, childcare facilities, baby changing room etc)
Surgery or operating theater
Medical Equipment
Emergency and hotline services
Cafeteria, availability of food and beverages
Pharmacy and dispensary
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