coachlee's Review for

Coach Lee


5 of 5 stars
Quality of healthcare services
Professionalism of staff, nurses and doctors
Waiting time and ease of appointment booking
Quality of facilities (consultation room, operating theater, bathrooms, pharmacy etc)
Hygiene standards
Value of money
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Coach Lee所說的每一句富有啟導性的說話,讓我深深體會到家長教練能使頑石改變的巨大力量。 - Karen Lam
Coach Lee所說的每一句富有啟導性的說話,讓我深深體會到家長教練能使頑石改變的巨大力量。妳不但讓我尋回自己的心,也讓我和孩子之間緊張的關係得以放緩、讓我學會多去省察自己和孩子行為背後的動機,原來孩子就是想得到愛、接納和肯定; 妳也讓我了解到情緒感受是沒有對和錯之分,這令我開放地擁抱和接納各種情緒,繼而有效地管理情緒,才可為孩子作清晰的引導。妳是一位很出色和用心的教練,在此感謝您!

Services Used

0 of 9
Reception/front desk
Nurses station or triage
Appointment/walk-in booking system
Amenities (waiting area, bathrooms, childcare facilities, baby changing room etc)
Surgery or operating theater
Medical Equipment
Emergency and hotline services
Cafeteria, availability of food and beverages
Pharmacy and dispensary
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